Join us for Sunday worship at 10am!
Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 8:45am.
We are a warm body of believers who seek to honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and make Him known to everyone around us. As a Bible church, we strive to present the truths of God's Holy Word in understandable and applicable ways, from our children's classes to our Sunday services.
We value people, because the Lord does.
We're located seven miles east of Sedalia, about one mile north of Highway 50 on Highway O.
Our worship service stars at 10 am. We meet in the Worship Center, the building closest to the road.
We have a parking lot on the north and south sides of the Worship Center. The north parking lot is recommended.
Yes! Click on the "Kids" tab to learn about our children's ministries!
We have a time of worship in song, a time of prayer, and a message drawn from the pages of God's Word. Communion happens on the first Sunday of each month.
We are an independent Bible church. There is no official connection with any one denomination.
See the “Adult” ministries page on our website for the current Grow Group options. Contact the leader of the group, a pastor, or the church office for more info.
We encourage everyone to use their gifts to serve the Lord and His church. Speak to one of the pastors if there's an area of ministry that interests you!