Bob Wauchope

Lead Pastor

Bob grew up in Elgin, IL, and has lived in Texas and South Dakota. He has been married to Laura, his high school sweetheart, for 28 years. Their daughter Elizabeth is married to Jesse, and have two kids. Their son Daniel married to Caiha and they have one kid.


Bob has been the lead pastor of Maplewood church since 2019. He has thirty years of pastoral ministry experience. This includes his time as a student ministry pastor as well as a lead pastor. He graduated with a B.A. in Pastoral Studies from Moody Bible Institute and an M.Div. in Leadership from Liberty University.  Bob is an online adjunct professor at Moody Bible Institute.  He is also currently working on a D.Min. in Church Revitalization at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Bob loves to fish when he gets the chance, but he prefers catching. He loves playing just about any sport and has a reputation for being competitive. Bob is crazy about Chicago sports teams, especially the Chicago Cubs. He reads widely on a number of subjects, so he is always looking for a good book recommendation if you have any.


Bob considers himself privileged to serve God both in pastoral ministry and in teaching.  1 Timothy 1:5 reveals his heart in ministry: “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

Drew & Beth Lusk

Anchor Youth Leaders

Drew and Beth, parents of three young children, lead our youth with great enthusiasm and energy. They have a heart for the Lord and a heart for the young people they serve. Beth is also the worship leader at Maplewood.  


Rebecca Backe

Administrative Assistant

Becki is a retired elementary school teacher who has served part-time in the church office since 2017. She and her husband Jeff enjoy camping and visiting their five grandchildren whenever they can.


Jeff Backe

Facilities Manager

Jeff is a retired high school counselor who has served as our Facilities Manager since 2017.  He and his wife Becki have attended Maplewood since 1990. 

Richard Stewart

Facilities Custodian

After working in the public schools for many years, Richard has served as the Maplewood custodian since 2020. He keeps our facilities spotless!




Bob Wauchope, Lead Pastor

   Worship, Leadership Development, Grow Groups

David Boatright, Chairman

   Family Ministries, Spiritual Gifts/Serving

Lee Wagenknecht, Vice Chairman

   Women's Ministries

Joel Sherman, Secretary

   Outreach, Ponca

Aaron Criss

   Family Ministry

Paul Calvert

   Stewardship, Deacons




Scott Young, Chairman

   ACS, Homeschool Coop, Security

Marshall Cogdill


John Wester


Josh Schuck

     Worship Center, Kids' Ministry Building

Rusty Wedemeyer

      Church Grounds

Dwayne Thomas

Keith Sumner

    Maplewood Grounds



All deacons oversee benevolence, ushers, offering,

& deposits.




Our mission at Maplewood is to engage others, help them discover Jesus, and see their lives transformed through the work of the Holy Spirit.


We dream of actively sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, molding generations of God-fearing men and women who love and are captivated by Christ, are devoted to His Word, and practice His principles.


God's Word, Prayer, Evangelism, Worship, Service, Fellowship, Stewardship